Murder and Manslaughter

Get representation from experts in the field of criminal defense. Our criminal defense lawyers will help defend your rights.

Murder and Manslaughter - Liberty Law

For a free consultation, or to find out about our flexible and affordable payment options, call us today: 801-264-6666. Utah Liberty Law is a Salt Lake City based defense firm that successfully defends adults and minors accused of murder, manslaughter and homicide.

Criminal homicide occurs when a person intentionally, recklessly or with criminal negligence causes the death of another human being.  Criminal homicide can be any of the following:

1. Aggravated murder
2. Murder
3. Manslaughter
4. Child abuse homicide
5. Homicide by assault
6. Negligent homicide
7. Automobile homicide

Each is a serious charge and requires immediate attention by an attorney. We have successfully defended and clients charged with homicide crimes. Call Utah Liberty Law today: 801-264-6666, and we will work to reduce or dismiss your murder, manslaughter or homicide charge.
